I saw two stars shoot across the sky last night.
It is always fun to see rare heavenly happenings in the night sky (yes, I made a few wishes.) I always enjoy the beauty of the Earth around us. Seeing beautiful clouds, rainbows, trees, flowers, sunsets … you name it, I like to admire it in nature (well, there are some bugs we can do without).
Then, I started thinking about the occurrence…
Was it belief in the law of attraction that I saw them?
Was it totally random?
Was it premonition?
You decide. Here’s what happened.
I sat outside visiting with my girlfriend. It is always nice to relax and talk. We were outside most of the evening – long enough to see the stars slowly come into full view. We watched as one by one, the stars became brighter and brighter.
As I sat there staring at the stars, I thought to myself, “I wonder if I will see any shooting stars tonight, since the Earth is traveling through the last of the Perseid meteors area?” Moments after this thought, I saw two shoot across the night sky.
I could not believe it.
I got out of my chair and I laid on her deck. I watched for another 20 minutes hoping to see another pass by, but I only saw the occasional airplane.
So, was that random, law of attraction or premonition? Something to think about, eh?
(My answer – Ask. Believe. Receive. Straight from the law of attraction.)
Either way, the world is awesome if you just look up to appreciate it.