In talking with a good friend of mine the other day, I made a realization.
We vibrate at the level of what we attract. Truly. As I mentioned in my recent post, we thusly repel what is not vibrating at our level.
Positive things attract more positive things—that is the basis of the Law of Attraction. (Thank you Esther, Jerry and Abraham Hicks.)
Like attracts Like.
Fear attracts Fear.
These talks made me recall the image of the wavelength of love I had been shown by a healing angel. I visited with these angels while in the light (during a past life regression).
While experiencing a healing, I asked the healing angels what type of energy they use for healing. They said, “Love,” and they showed me what that wavelength of vibrating energy looked like. It is smooth and steady. The healing session feels like very intense Reiki being poured on me.
I drew it for you to see…
And Fear… it is a short, discombobulated, mess of a wavelength. No wonder it feels so wrong.
What wavelength do you resonate with today?