I finally found the pond in our local park the other day. I had heard there was one here, but never took the time to find it.
I wanted to be out in the sun, it has been a long winter. The wind was strong, but nice. The sun shown down warmly and cast a beautiful glistening light on the waves forming on the pond’s surface.
The frogs chirped endlessly, calling for their mate.
It all felt so relaxing. My daughter and I looked for crayfish (or a salamander) under a few rocks.
We sat by the edge of the water with some random sticks and played in the water. I drew a heart in the dirt and sat on a small perfect seat formed nearby. I took a photo of the heart and realized that the heart and the sun’s glistening light lined up perfectly.
Does the sunshine follow you around like the moon seems to, I pondered.
The sun represents the light of Heaven and Heaven is love. What a perfect alignment. My eye was drawn to look to the right, only to notice a feather. I think, perfect, a sign from above just as I am thinking thoughts of Heaven. I picked it up and put it with the heart I formed.
Love is all around. Angels are all around. I got my sign from them in the form of a feather. Life is pretty fabulous when you recognize that.
We are loved so much. The signs are all around us, we just have to be open to receive them and to see them. Were these things coincidence—happening in a matter of minutes? I do not think so. As my one friend told me, it is a non-coincidence.
My daughter and I sat by the pond a long time that day. I wrote this blog sitting there, enjoying the music of the frogs and the occasional bird song. My intent was to enjoy the sun and nature today.
I am grateful my daughter brought paper and pencil for drawing and shared it with me so I can write this to share with you.
I look around, it would be a nice place to watch the sunset. I will save that for another day.
Yes, I kept the feather.
As we walked back into the woods and onto the trail, we saw a butterfly. Nature is so relaxing.