As I write this, I realized that I must have visited our local library a lot during high school. It was conveniently located right next door to school. I found a book that included information on how to do telepathy. Well, I had to know more since I read about it in Pebble in the Sky. (Remember, there is no instant information from the internet to be seen or heard of yet.) After studying the book, I forced my younger siblings to participate in telepathy drawing experiments. I wanted to see if … [Read more...] about It is My Turn to Try Telepathy
Isaac Asimov and telepathy
I am back at our local library again visiting. I think I am there to look up information for some high school project. (Back in the 1980’s, computers were very new. And, believe it or not, the internet was unheard of then. How we managed, I will never know. I could go on, but I will share one tidbit to give you some perspective – as a senior in high school, my physics class once waited 45 minutes for the computers to merely start up. Happily, this was just in time for the bell to ring. We all … [Read more...] about Isaac Asimov and telepathy
Children spirits watching over me
I digress back a few years to when I was quite young… maybe around 4 or 5. I am sitting in my bedroom playing and notice that there are two small children spirits sitting in my room. They are having a very animated conversation. I cannot hear the words, but I can see their mouths moving and their arms and hands gesturing. My first thought was that they are ghosts. I never was afraid, it actually seemed normal. And then I thought, maybe they are my guardian angels. (That is pretty neat.) I … [Read more...] about Children spirits watching over me
Past lives found at the library
A popular show on television called “That’s Incredible” inspired me to find more information on hard to believe subjects at our local library. I could not find anything on my usual first floor – children’s literature – part of the library. I gingerly ventured to the “adult” section. I felt very grown up all of a sudden just walking up to their area on the second floor. I was excited when I came across a book that had all kinds of short chapters on interesting incredible stories. The one that … [Read more...] about Past lives found at the library