More on synchronicity…
The other day brought forth a few numbers (and messages) with powerful meanings to them.
I believe when we see sets of numbers (like 111, 222, 333, 444, etc.) it is a sign from our spirit guides or angels letting us know they are here, watching over us. It is recommended to take note of what you are thinking about at the time you see a particular set of numbers, especially if you notice them repeatedly.
In the morning, I checked my social media. My Pinterest account had 111 followers, my Twitter account had 1011 followers. Cool, I thought. Thank you.
On my way to the store that afternoon, I drove behind a car on the highway. The license plate said, “4 AGAPE.”
I thought, the word agape sounds familiar. (Pronounced ah-gah-p-eh)
As I thought this, another car passed me on the left; its license plate had 444 in it. This is a number I see every day. I smile every time I see it.
According to the book, Angel Numbers 101: The Meaning of 111, 123, 444, and Other Number Sequences by Doreen Virtue (Hay House, 2008), the definition of 444 means, “There are angels—they’re everywhere around you! You are completely loved, supported and guided by many Heavenly beings, and you have nothing to fear.”
(In writing this blog, I saw a book advertised for sale today in a sidebar ad. The cost? … $4.44. The article I read is titled: 11:11 Synchronicity-Repetitive Numbers and Their Meaning.)
Then, I noticed the same car with the “4 AGAPE” license plate was in front of me again as I drove into the shopping complex—all the way to the parking lot. I must need to see this message.
I looked up Agape. It means Unconditional Love (in Greek). What a fabulous message to receive from my spirit guides and angels! In doing the search, I noticed Doreen Virtue is going to be speaking at a function hosted by a facility called Agape International in a few months.
Doreen’s book states that 111 means, “This number brings you the urgent message that your thoughts are manifesting instantly, so keep your mind-set focused upon your desires. Give any fearful thoughts to Heaven for transmutation.”
I checked out at the grocery store. The total amount due? $111.
What number do you see often?