On being too nice….
This poem is dedicated to those women out there who give, give and give. For those who put themselves last. For those who depend upon another person’s happiness for their own happiness. For those who are learning to put themselves first, to do things that make them happy and those learning to be open to receive.
I send my love to you..
The Rag Doll by Karen Kubicko
“The rag doll has a permanent smile sewn on her face
Always appearing happy
She lets you touch her, squeeze her and hold her without complaint
Inside, her stuffing is turning moldy and grey
Yet her smile continues
She listens intently to all you say
Hears all the harsh words that you pour out
Keeping her lips sealed
Unable to open her tightly stitched smile
Day after day passes
She is easily forgotten
Pushed outside in the cold, bitter rain
Her little piece of love
Her heart-shaped piece of material
Long ago placed inside
Begins to be crumpled
Emotionally thrown about
Torn and tattered
Finally, it becomes guarded
She becomes stronger
Tired of the loneliness
She musters up all her courage
Takes a deep breath
Rises to the challenge of knowing ones true self
The rag doll limps outside
Knowing that there is more
There is unconditional love
Out there”