What may happen when you remember a past life?
It could awaken you to a whole new level of being.
It could awaken you to a new understanding to the meaning of life.
It could cause you to think of life in a whole new way.
Once you participate in a few past life regressions, it soon becomes blatantly obvious that we are all here on Earth working together to better ourselves (the spirit part of us).
But ~ there are other benefits…
- Relationships with anyone could improve, be understood, have a deeper connection and more. You would realize you have spent time with them before, sometimes to learn life lessons. You may have a spiritual contract with them to learn certain lessons. (Note: They can be broken.)
- Spirituality could increase. Once you see and feel the love emanating from the light, the unconditional love from your spirit guide or unconditional love by an angel ~ wow ~ it really is awe inspiring. During a past life, it is possible to see angels, spirit guides, passed over loved ones and more. If you are really lucky, you can actually have a conversation with them. THAT, my friends, is the coolest thing I have ever experienced.
- All prejudices could end. You, no doubt, have been all nationalities and colors. (Take a moment … Imagine the day.) I have had past lives all over the world as many different nationalities, as both men and women and involved in many different religions.
- Our environment would improve for the sake of our own future incarnations. We are coming here for our next class on Earth again … keep your Earth clean.
- Health care costs could go down. There is a lot of deep healing (mental and physical) from participating in a past life regression. For me personally, I have had a lot of healing with my lungs. I have released fears as well.
- Death of a loved one may one day be looked at as an accepted transition. When you experience a past life firsthand, you could possibly see clearly that you watch over your loved ones. Just knowing they are still with us and could be with us again is wonderful.
If you have 30 minutes of peace and quiet, you can try a past life regression
I feel honored to have trained with Dr. Brian Weiss along with his wife Carole to learn more about how to help others remember their own past lives. He is an inspiration to us all.
What has remembering a past life done for you?