I am torn on this.
It is hard convincing my kids that they need to learn algebra in school. They are often frustrated with math.
However, an algebraic algorithm brought through this picture to me via a Facebook post – and any other Facebook users who are also given the opportunity to see it. (Not everyone sees every post if you did not know that.)
But, think about this… what if we grew up in a world that valued and taught all children to use their intuition and to trust it from birth?
A mother’s intuition knows when her baby is hungry or sleepy or some other need when her baby just looks at her. Her baby knows this to be true and so, can communicate.
If we all grew up able to trust our intuition, utilize our innate psychic abilities and have it be socially acceptable to see and talk to our spirit guides and passed over loved ones…
What then?
Life would be easier.
Fear would be lessened.
We would have instant answers and trust they were true.
Would we then need algebra? I wonder.